SESAME (nuvvulu or til )HALVAH:

Preparation and Cooking time – 1 hr
Serves - 5 to 6 persons
Cuisine – Asian

sugar – 1 ½ cup
water – ½ cup
lemon – ½ slice juice
sesame paste – 1 ½ cup
(Ingredients –5 cups sesame seeds,1 1/2 cups olive oil or vegetable oil
Roast sesame seeds for 5-10 minutes without oil in pan on medium heat frequently with a spatula. Do not allow to brown. Cool for 20 minutes. Pour sesame seeds into food processor and add oil. Blend for 2 minutes. Check for consistency. The goal is a thick, yet pourable texture. Add more oil and blend until desired consistency. It gives 4 cups of sesame paste )

vanilla – 1 tsp
milk powder - 1/2 cup
crushed pista,badam,cashews – 2 or 3 tbsp
raisins – 1tbsp
ghee – 4 tbsp

How to make:
1.In a medium sauce pan, combine sugar, lemon juice and stir. Turn the heat on medium and heat the mixture until it boils (1 or 2 min).
2.Slowly add sesame paste(tahini),milk powder to the hot sugar syrup. Mix it with a whisk until it thickens . Add vanilla flavoring and mix .Now add pista etc ,ghee,raisins stir again and turn off the flame.
3.Apply ghee to a plate . Pour your mixture into the plate. Cover it with aluminum paper or cling wrap and leave it refrigerator for 3 or 4 hrs. Then take it out and cut into squares or leave it like paste .
4.Now delicious sesame halvah is ready to taste.

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