Prep & cooking time -20 mts
Yield – 30 to 40 pieces
Storage -1 day
Cuisine: Indian


1000 ml – whole milk
Pinch - garam masala pdr
Little - coriander leaves
pinch – cumin powder
little – mint leaves
cheese cloth
pinch - pepper
lemon juice – 1 or 2 tbsp

How to make:

1.Take a deep pan pour the milk into the pan.
2.Bring the milk to a boil .Slowly stir in the lemon juice, about a tablespoonful at a time. The milk will begin to curdle.
3.Drain off the whey, keeping the curds aside.Now dump the curds out onto the cloth . wrap them up, and squeeze the cloth to get the whey out.
4.Fold the curds up in the cloth, place a big cold water pot on top of that curds.cut paneer into medium size pieces after resting it for a hour .
5.Now paneer is ready cook.

1 comment:

maitri said...

very delicious and flavorful...... Simple and cheap to make too :) Will make again.