Preparation&Cooking time - 1 hr
marination time - 1 hr
Storage -2 or 3 days
Serves - 4 or 6 persons
Cuisine: Andhra

Fish fillets (salmon fish) -1 kg
Ginger paste -1 tbsp
garlic paste -1 tbsp
salt – salt to taste or 1tsp
red chilli powder -1 tbsp
oil -1/4 lit

How to make :

1.First wash fish fillets with salt & water.

2.Grind ginger-garlic to make paste.Then rub fish pieces with salt,red chilli powder,ginger-garlic paste and keep aside for 1 hour.

3.Heat oil in one pan add marinated fish fillets. Deep fry them both sides till red colour appears.

4.Remove from pan ,serve hot with pappu(redgram or tur dal) annam or pappu charu(turdal broth) annam.

1 comment:

Rani said...
